Household Items to Stock up on before baby

Why it’s important to stock up in advance

Creating a “stockpile” of items before your baby arrives is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for your new little one. When your sweet little baby comes along, you’ll spend every waking moment feeding her, changing her, staring at her while she sleeps or trying to figure out how to get her to sleep. In those crazy, hectic, sleep deprived moments, the last thing you want to think about is whether or not you have enough laundry detergent or toilet paper. Your first and most important priorities are to take care of your baby and yourself.

So, mama, if you are in your third trimester, it’s time to start stocking up on all the household items that will make your life so much easier after your sweet baby arrives. Make a list and grab one or two items each time you go to the store. Look for coupons and sales. Don’t feel like you have to get everything at once.

After having my first baby here are the things I wish I would have added to my stockpile or wish I would have bought more of.

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1. Disposable plates, bowls, and utensils

No one wants to wash dishes when you have a newborn to tend to, not even daddy. Do everyone a favor and stock up on paper plates, paper bowls and plastic silverware. If it doesn’t need to be washed, buy it.

2. Coffee

Sleep deprivation is real, and coffee can help. Stock up on not just your basic breakfast blend but also on a few flavors that you love. It’s nice to have a little variety to start your day. I also tend to stock up on some of my favorite decaf coffee. This is a great way to enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the afternoon without worrying about the caffeine affecting your sleep or your little one’s sleep.

3. Freezer meals

You may not necessarily consider freezer meals to be a household item. However, they are by far one of the most important things to stock up on as you prepare for your baby. No one wants to cook in the first few weeks (or months) with a new baby. Do yourself a favor and get as many meals in your freezer as possible.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are a ton of recipes for freezer to crockpot meals. Save yourself even more clean up and stock up on crock pot liners. Between those and disposable plates, you’ll hardly have any dishes to do.

4. Toilet paper

If 2020 has taught us nothing else, it’s that you can never have enough toilet paper. It may not seem like that big of a deal until you run out. So, don’t run out. I tend to add a package of toilet paper to each grocery order and keep some in each bathroom, so I’m never caught without it.

5. Laundry detergent

Laundry detergent may not be at the top of your stockpile list but, babies come with a lot of laundry. From spit up to blowouts, you’ll find that you are doing more laundry ever now that your little bundle of joy is here. Make sure you grab a brand that is either made for babies or sensitive skins. Some fragrances can irritate your little one’s skin.

6. Dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is about to become your best friend. On those days when a shower just isn’t possible, you’ll be so glad you bought plenty of dry shampoo. Anything that makes you look and feel a little more normal is totally worth it.

7. Toiletries

Unless you want to send your husband to the store to buy your favorite shampoo and conditioner, stock up now. When you finally get a spare moment to shower, you want to make sure you have all the bath products you love.

8. Batteries

Batteries at not always at the top of our baby stockpile list, but they shouldn’t be forgotten. So many baby items take batteries. From swings to playmats to white noise machines, lots of them require batteries. Also, if you are nursing on the go, many breast pumps include a convenient battery pack. Make sure you have plenty of batteries for this. It’s very frustrating to pack up your pump, get where you are going and realize you need 8 batteries to make it work. Trust me, been there, done that.

 9. Books

It’s easy to get caught up with all things baby but taking time for yourself is more important now than ever. You can read while you nurse or while your baby sleeps. Just taking a few minutes a day to do something you love is necessary when you are a new mama.

10. Cleaning supplies

Make sure you have plenty of cleaning supplies handy. Bare minimum make sure you have plenty of Clorox wipes and dish soap. Clorox wipes are great for cleaning up messes and quickly disinfecting surfaces.

Even though you plan to use paper plates for the foreseeable future, dish soap is another necessity, especially if you are bottle feeding.

That’s it, Mama! Now get out there and stock up!!

Whether you grab it all in one trip or make a list and grab a few things at a time, get what you need and rest a little easier knowing that you have all the household items you need for when your baby comes.

Household Items to stock up on before baby arrives.

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