The best products for Toddlers.
The toddler years are a whole new world and a very unpredictable one for that matter. Unlike preparing for a baby you do not have 9 months to figure out what products you’ll need. Instead you probably will find yourself realizing all of the toddler essentials after the days where you could have used them. In order to make your life easier I have compiled a list of the best products for toddlers that you will actually use.
What age is considered a Toddler?
Ages 1-3 are considered a toddler. Once a child is 4 they are now a preschooler. You probably have heard of the “terrible two’s” but let me tell you there isn’t anything like age 3. Don’t worry though there is so much to look forward too! Your baby will develop into their own little person and you will be amazed at how much they learn.
What does every toddler need?
Every child is different but the following list of must haves will be useful for everyone. So if you are wondering what you should buy for a toddler then this toddler essential list is for you!
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1. Step Stool
I cannot tell you how many times I had to hold my daughter while she washed her hands, brushed her teeth or simply wanted to look at herself in the mirror. There were times where I even let her sit on the counter. Finally I decided to get a step stool. First I got this one which really only worked for helping get on the toilet and then I discovered this one and it was a total game changer.
Now washing hands and brushing teeth is so much easier for both me and my daughter. She feels like a “big kid” since she can do it all on her own. You can even get an adorable personalized step stool here.
Also note that you can start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they pop their first tooth. You can start with a training toothpaste like this one and then switch to a kids toothpaste around age 3. My daughter loves this toothpaste.
2. Toy Chest
It is amazing how quickly your living room will fill up with toys and other random gadgets your toddler acquired. When they were just beginning to play with toys a basket was all you really needed. Now that you have a toddler on your hands a toy chest is a must! Not only does it allow you a place to put their toys but it also makes clean up easier.
There are several different toy storage options. You can go with the traditional toy chest, bin organizer, or a hybrid of the two like this one. If you are like me and want to keep your house looking clean and modern you can opt for this basket and utilize your entertainment center or any built-ins if you have them.
If you want to know what is best to fill the toy storage with here are some of the best toddler toys:
These must have toys will keep your toddler entertained and also help with motor development and problem solving skills.
3. Potty Seat
This is probably the one item you knew you’d eventually have to buy because of the dreaded “potty training” to come. However, there are several different kinds out there and you might have to try different kinds in order to successfully potty train your toddler (or whichever motivates them to go). I highly recommend letting your son or daughter pick out their potty or use it as a last resort if no such luck. Don’t fret though potty training is tough and your child will go when they are ready. Some simply are ready earlier then others!
We used this potty for my daughter. I loved that it had the wipe compartment and my daughter enjoyed pulling the handle to flush when she was done. These potty seats also came in handy because they helped my daughter feel comfortable on the actual toilet.
For boys, I have heard from many moms that this was the best out there and worked wonders.
You will also want to get pull ups for the very beginning, training pants for when they start to go on the potty but still have accidents and finally underwear.

4. Table & Chairs
An adorable table and chairs set is definitely on the toddler must haves for 2020 list. Not only do they make the cutest ones now but your toddler will get so much use out of it. Whether they are coloring in their favorite coloring book or having a snack the table will prove to be very useful.
Affordable Options
- Humble Crew Tot Tutors Kids Plastic Table and 4 Chairs Set
- IKEA LÄTT Children’s Table and Chairs
- Delta Children MySize Kids Wood Table and Chair Set
Modern Options
These table sets are great for a play room, living room or even a spot in the kitchen. We frequently use the chairs for others activities as well so if you already have a small table just look into purchasing a chair or two for your toddler.
5. Playhouse
Your toddler will absolutely love a playhouse and will use it for many years to come. This also makes a great birthday or Christmas gift if you are searching for something to buy your 3 year old.
There are several types of play homes. You could go for the standard plastic outdoor playhouse like this one. Or you can find adorable wood playhouses like this.
Furthermore, if you are handy you can always make your own one. Check out these excellent DIY Playhouses here.
Instead of an outdoor play house, a tent is another great option.
6. Wagon
Once your little one begins to walk it is likely they will not sit still. Therefore, riding in the stroller will not be as fun and they will want to get in and out several times. That is when the wagon will come in handy. It is much easier to get your kiddo in and out of and they will have a much bigger view. Plus the extra storage is nice!
Also your child might be getting too big for their stroller and a wagon would allow them to fit much better. Oh and did you know they make much cooler wagons now check out a few of them below:
7. Booster Seat
You might have purchased a high chair that converts into a booster. If so now is a great time to convert it! Your toddler will love being able to sit at the table with the rest of the family. If you do not have one of those chairs (like me) then you will want to get a booster seat.
I highly recommend getting one that straps to the chair and has a strap to hold your toddler in. Also make sure it is easy to clean since I have yet to meet a toddler that keeps things clean. This booster has been my favorite.
The toddler years are when they begin to really become independent. Now that they can sit at the table they will also begin to feed themselves. Here are some great additional items your toddler will use:
8. Bathtub Spout Cover
Goodbye baby bathtub hello big kid tub. Bath time is now a whole new world to explore for your toddler. Now that they can move as they please throughout the tub you should get yourself a spout cover to prevent the dreaded bump of the head. This is by far the most popular one I’ve seen (aka you know someone has kids when you see this spout cover in their bathroom).
Here are some other items that you will need for bathtime:
- Shampoo/Body Wash
- Bubbles
- Toy Storage
- Color Bath Drops (my daughter loves these!)
9. Convertible Car Seat
Your child will no longer fit in their infant car seat so the next step is a convertible car seat. Like infant seats there are A LOT of different options out there. We purchased this one and love it.
Some other great options are maxi cosi, britax, and nuna.
These may seem like yet another pricey purchase but they will get a ton of use and for a long time too! I actually recommend putting one of these on your baby registry so you do not have to worry about it down the road!
If you do find your self in the car with your toddler often check out this amazing car organizer. It is also great for traveling with kids in the car.
10. Letters & Numbers
My last must have product for toddlers would be anything to do with letters and numbers. Toddlers learn a ton of new things and one of them being recognition of letters and numbers. Typically starting with singing the alphabet and counting! Here are several items to help your toddler learn their letters and numbers:
These are the top 10 products you should buy for your toddler.
The toddler years are not easy but you can make them easier with the above must haves. From 1-3 your child will learn so much and grow into a little independent person. From brushing their teeth to going on the potty to beginning to recognize numbers and letters your toddler will know so much! I hope you found this list helpful to prepare for what is to come!
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