August 2020 Blog Income Report

8th Month Income Report for my 2020 Blog

You’d be surprised to know that I took a hiatus from my blog for almost the entire month of August.

Yes, you read that right. I did not work on my blog AT ALL.

This was not my initial plan, however, I did want to get back to a “normal” posting schedule of once per week but like last month (and the one before) life got very busy. Therefore, I decided it was best to put my attention elsewhere for the time being.

I’m sure you are wondering what happened during my “time off.” Did my traffic tank? Pinterest stats plummet?

Let’s take a look!

8th Month Income Report for my 2020 Blog

Before I go into my stats for my 8th month I want to disclose why I am writing this post. Blog income reports are what got me here today. They have inspired me and keep my motivation going so I want to do the same for you! It also holds me accountable and allows me to track my progress.

So I hope you find this report helpful.

If you are wondering the steps I took to start my blog you can check that out here.

This post contains affiliate links which means if you purchase a product through my link I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information you can read my disclosure here.

Month number 8 blog results


Eight month goals:

  • 10,000 page views
  • Publish 6 posts
  • Update 2 old posts for SEO
  • Consistent on Pinterest Strategy
  • Analyze content that converts well

I based these goals off my seventh month results which you can read here.

So how did I do?

GoalActualMet (Y/N)?
10,000 Monthly Page Views3,352 (2,585) N
Publish 6 postsN
Update 2 old posts for SEON
Consistent on Pinterest StrategyN
Analyze content that converts wellN

Since I did not work on my blog I obviously didn’t hit any of the work based goals. On the other hand, without doing anything my traffic actually increased this month! I really hope this trend continues throughout the rest of the year so I can FINALLY reach my goal of 10,000 pageviews.

Here is what my 8th month blogging looked like:

Google Analytics Audience for Mommy Explained August 2020

Once again I had very steady traffic so I am pleased to see that. This tells me that if I simply keep going that the steady traffic will continue to increase.

Where am I getting my Traffic from?

95.1% of my traffic came from social media with Pinterest accounting for 99.06%.

Google Analytics Acquisition for Mommy Explained August 2020

My Organic Search traffic (aka Google) has continued to increase which I am very excited about.

Google traffic is by far more valuable than Pinterest traffic for 2 reasons:

  1. It is passive (meaning no constant work to drive traffic. Just post and your’e done)
  2. It converts better (meaning more money)

Additionally, it can take up to 6-12 months for Google to start ranking your posts, however, they will not have a chance if they are not optimized for SEO. I do not think I would be getting ANY traffic from Google if it weren’t for Debbie Gartner’s amazing Ebooks (which are very affordable by the way).

You can check out her ebooks below:

Additionally, you can buy both books here for a discounted price which is what I did.

Now I feel confident when I publish my posts and know they will have a good chance of ranking on google 4-6 months down the road.

Now lets talk about Pinterest

For the first time in months all of my stats are in the green meaning everything has increased!

Impressions: +12%

Total Audience: +30%

Engagements: +31%

Engaged Audience: +34%

After seeing these stats I have changed my Pinterest Strategy. I no longer feel the need to pin every single day. Instead I will make 2-3 pins for each post and schedule them out using Tailwind. If I am publishing one post per week that means 2-3 of the days will include pinning one pin to Pinterest.

Now there is no longer a huge pressure to get 2-3 pins published each and every day. That is honestly too much to handle for me at this point.

I would not be able to do this without my Pinterest scheduler app Tailwind. It is seriously a lifesaver. You can get a free trial here!

How did I make money this month?

Amazon – $0.73

Ahhh another really crappy month of affiliate income. For awhile I thought my account wasn’t working considering I made more money my first month blogging and I only had 900 pageviews then. However, I am still getting a good amount of clicks just NOTHING is converting.

I am considering taking an affiliate marketing course just to make sure I am doing everything I should be to get those conversions back. If I decide to take one I will let you know in next months income report.

On the bright side I DID make money this month so I know that you CAN make an income blogging.

Here are some other affiliates that I am a part of:

I also get a ton of clicks from Rewardstyle. If you are interested in joining send me an email here (Include first and last name & website url) and I will send you a referral email. If you get accepted we each would get $25!

Related: How I made my first affiliate sale only 1 week after launch

I could not have made money through affiliate income without my own domain and web hosting. You can sign up using my link here for only $3.95 per month!


Last but not least…

I want to continue to create quality content as well as update my old posts for SEO.

All in all, taking some time off did not hurt my blog whatsoever. Instead I was able to come right back to it and with an even better mindset then before.

If you are a new blogger and are having a difficult time juggling life and working on the blog don’t feel bad if you need a few weeks off. Your blog is not going anywhere and you will continue to love what you do.

Here are a round up of my posts:

  1. The Best Sample Baby Registry – Only What You Need
  2. 7th Month Income Report for my 2020 Blog

Goals for next month (September 2020):

  • 10,000 page views
  • Publish 6 posts
  • Update 2 old posts for SEO
  • Analyze content that converts well

Well I hope you enjoyed reading my 8th month results! Don’t forget to check back for next months report!

Blog Income Reports

You may also like “8 steps to complete after launching your blog.”

4 thoughts on “8th Month Income Report for my 2020 Blog”

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